Congratulations for investing in yourself and your financial service business
Naturally and Easily Recruit during your one-on-one
with Neuro-Linguistic Program (NLP) Communication Techniques and Strategies
You will discover the power and effectiveness about understanding human behavior and psychological triggers that will help you get more yeses.
with Neuro-Linguistic Program (NLP) Communication Techniques and Strategies
You will discover the power and effectiveness about understanding human behavior and psychological triggers that will help you get more yeses.
NLP techniques you can blend into existing recruiting conversation to give it a new level of influence, persuasion, personal confidence and more yeses.

Blend and layer these NLP elements into your presentation to make it magnetic and irresistible.
Module One: Mindset for instant rapport and energy exercise for unstoppable confidence.
Blend and layer these NLP elements into your presentation to make it magnetic and irresistible.
Module One: Mindset for instant rapport and energy exercise for unstoppable confidence.
- Value and Be the Prize
- Expectations
- Urgency
- Outcome
- Intentions
- Yes State
Module One downloadable audio file... |
Instant rapport, influence and positioning
(module two -four)
Elements of Subconscious Influence:
Module Two: Instant Rapport - How to greet and create rapport during the hello. How to create immediate trust and respect. And, how to build rapport during the handshake.
Module Two downloadable audio file...
Module Three: What to do and say when you first meet to position/frame yourself as a leader (at the table). And, how to begin the conversation what to do to create openness, rapport, leadership and to maintain influence.
Module Three downloadable audio file...
Module Four: What to listen for to identify if a person has subconscious motivational driver of achievement/pleasure/towards or avoidance/pain/away. This will help tremendously when presentation the opportunity.
Module Four downloadable audio file...
Discovering subconscious motivational drivers and to continue building rapport by asking these four powerful insightful questions:
Most ask, “what do I have to say to get people to buy or say yes?”
Instead you should ask yourself, “what do I have to ask to know how to present, to get more yeses?”
Module Five: Subconscious motivation question one. Discover if they are procedural or bottom line. Get insight into what you need to say so the they take action and join. And, to utilize should they have objections.
Discovering subconscious motivational drivers and to continue building rapport by asking these four powerful insightful questions:
Most ask, “what do I have to say to get people to buy or say yes?”
Instead you should ask yourself, “what do I have to ask to know how to present, to get more yeses?”
Module Five: Subconscious motivation question one. Discover if they are procedural or bottom line. Get insight into what you need to say so the they take action and join. And, to utilize should they have objections.
Module Five downloadable audio file...
Module Six: Subconscious motivational driver - questions two discovering business opportunity values, beliefs, pain and desires.
*"What's important to you about a business opportunity?"
...What's important about that? ...tell me more.
Module Six: Subconscious motivational driver - questions two discovering business opportunity values, beliefs, pain and desires.
*"What's important to you about a business opportunity?"
...What's important about that? ...tell me more.
Module Six downloadable audio file...
Module Seven: Personal coaching and mentoring criteria question that creates bonding and subconscious motivational driver understanding.
Module Seven downloadable audio file...
Module Eight: How to convince using their Convincer Strategy question
Module Eight downloadable audio file...
Elements of Subconscious Influence (modules 9 - 15)
Module Nine: Props - body motion
How to subconsciously create value with your movements.
How to subconsciously create value with your movements.
- Hold
- Hand
- Reference
- You receive
- Client receives
Module Nine downloadable audio file...
Module Ten: Voice patterns of influence. Which voice pattern to use for influence and persuasion. And, which can cause you to lose the opportunity
Module Ten downloadable audio file...
Module 11: Calibrate to say on track and get more yeses.
Module Eleven downloadable audio file...
Module 12: Halo Effect - instant trust
Module Twelve downloadable audio file...
Module 13: Pace and lead their imagination to join.
Module Thirteen downloadable audio file...
Module 14: Power words that influence and persuade
Module Fourteen downloadable audio file...
Module 15: Dangerous words to avoid
Module Fifteen downloadable audio file...
Module 16: Now you can blend all the great insight about the person into your opportunity presentation to have a magnetic compelling conversations.
Have magnetic compelling conversations. Explain to potential new member what to do to be successful... blending in NLP subconscious communication techniques to get more yeses. Blending it all together that will make it easy to transition to the close.
Module 16 Part One Audio "Overview"...
Module 16 Part Two Audio "Examples"...
Module Seventeen: The Close. How to naturally and easily invite them to join.
Module Seventeen downloadable audio file...
Module Eighteen: How to lock the decision in their mind into the future so they take action and not quit.
Module Eighteen downloadable audio file...
Module Nineteen: How to destroy objections with stories. Which stories you should be prepared with and how to present them so the objections don't come up.
How to handle possible typical objections like:
'I don't have the time'
'I'm not a salesperson'
'I want to sleep on it'
'I want to first talk it over with my spouse/partner'
Module Nineteen downloadable audio file...
Bonus: Mike Aguilera's ebook "Connect with Anyone in 90 Seconds or Less." Click here to download |
How to have magnetic compelling conversations when presenting/selling a retirement plan - webinar - click here to view the seven modules |
Three part language pattern that compels someone to meet with you. Stop chasing people - view webinar below...
Three part language pattern that compels someone to meet with you. Stop chasing people - view webinar below...
1. Invite to continue conversation.
2. Have them say out load.
3. Compliment them with a what they say they will do.
2. Have them say out load.
3. Compliment them with a what they say they will do.
Module Bonus downloadable audio file...
In case you missed the gifts...on how to begin a recruiting conversation with anyone.
Click here and listen to around one-hour of valuable NLP tips and techniques.