Have compelling, comforting, persuasive sales conversations and not an obvious sales pitch.
COVOD-19 fears and anxiety requires new communication skills
The Coronavirus has everyone on a high level of stress, fear or anxiety.
You now need new skills to guide the sales conversation towards a yes
if the time is right for them.
Learn how to communicate like an advisor.
COVOD-19 fears and anxiety requires new communication skills
The Coronavirus has everyone on a high level of stress, fear or anxiety.
You now need new skills to guide the sales conversation towards a yes
if the time is right for them.
Learn how to communicate like an advisor.
Are you feeling frozen not knowing what to say because your scripts don't work now in these times. You are aware you have to have new conversations so you don't sound like a predator or needy. And, how to guide a client out of fear so they take action.
You will learn what to say and ask so you have conversations that engage positive personal emotions, make you stand out and make you and the client feel great about the sales conversation.
Discover how to not come across as a salesy, pushy and manipulative sales person...it's not you...be caring, insightful, authentic and persuasive.
You will learn what to say and ask so you have conversations that engage positive personal emotions, make you stand out and make you and the client feel great about the sales conversation.
Discover how to not come across as a salesy, pushy and manipulative sales person...it's not you...be caring, insightful, authentic and persuasive.
After you learn COVID-19 Conversational Selling - Virtual Selling you will have a natural way of beginning a conversation that can lead to a sale and/or referral. Have conversations that connect, create trust, rapport and reveal a person's values and their personal emotions. Critical information so your listener see the value to them personally and ask for your service.
Discovering a person’s values, positive emotions and subconscious motivation will help you naturally get more wins, more yeses.
After you study and review the material, you will to will have new skills to conversationally guide a person from fear and anxiety
to hope and possibility ...what questions to ask, what not to say. It is vital to shift their emotions out of fear, stress and anxiety or else they will not take action. Fear will create fight, flight or freeze. |
A video of me explaining what Conversational Selling is and is not.
This is a video about my initial full-day workshop that attendees invested up to $995 to attend.
Your investment is only $195...
for the new condensed COVID-19 - Conversational Selling - Virtual Selling
home study course version.
COVID-19 - Conversational Selling Home Study Course - Vitual Selling
Have influential conversations that naturally lead to yes and not sales presentations.
Communicated like an authority, an industry leader...voice, motions, words, question, presence.
Three core success elements:
1. Mindset
2. First impression
3. Conversational Selling (the core of your training)
1. Mindset:
- To have unstoppable confidence
- Project warmth
- Be charismatic
- Instant rapport
- Attract people to you
2. First impression/first stage of influence:
Create trust, caring and openness for the conversation during you Zoom/Webinar....
A major key element - How to begin the conversation so you frame yourself as an advisor and not a sales person. (this is one of the first videos you will have instant access as well covered in the workbook).
How to conversationally guide a someone (seller, buyer, friend, family) from fear and anxiety to a positive emotional state. This is critical to do if you sense, otherwise the person will not take action. Discover what to say, what questions to ask and what NOT to say. Expect and be prepared because everyone is in different levels of stress and anxiety. Be the calm.
3. Conversation – Conversational Selling (The Conversational System):
- The art of asking positive emotional Neuroscience/NLP conversational guiding questions and value questions that will create the foundation of naturally presenting your service….getting more yeses.
- Voice patterns of influence
- Reading people...critical skill to have so you are aware if you're on target or need to ask different questions.
- Power words and power phases (magic words/phrases) that influence...not scripts
- Dangerous words to avoid
- Influential discovery questions that reveal a person’s subconscious motivation
- Asking the right questions give you insight into their values and emotion and guide them to close themselves.
Are you planning to make calls today? Coming Soon Ask to be informed when Home Study Course is available |
This is NOT about Consultative Selling
where you ask a series of pain probing questions.
This is a unique empowering program. It's having strategic, compelling positive values based conversations.
Fred's experience with Conversational Selling
David sharing his experience with Conversational Selling
Cory Wong - EQ1 Realty
View and discover three communication techniques he learned... NLP/Neuroscience Conversational Selling
When the student is ready the teacher appears.
If you're getting frustrated and feeling burnt out...
Don't quit. Don't give up!
Listen to Lynn share her experience
“Mike, after taking your NLP training I feel all real estate professionals should learn NLP because our business is about creating trust, rapport and building relationships.
Your NLP program shows how to influence and persuade naturally and easily with the integrity.
It’s amazing and empowering to discover what motivates others and how to communicate to them in their unique style that creates understanding and agreement. Thank you for sharing your specialized knowledge and giving me additional tools and skills that will help me with my business and with all relationships.”
-Craig Gorman, SCCAOR 2016 President - Santa Clara County Association of Realtors
“Mike, I have been in Real Estate for over 20 years and have experienced many great training programs.
I found your NLP program extremely valuable and helpful. Ultimately, it comes down to connecting and influencing
people. I wish I had your program when I began my real estate career.”
-Jim Mauldwin
I found your NLP program extremely valuable and helpful. Ultimately, it comes down to connecting and influencing
people. I wish I had your program when I began my real estate career.”
-Jim Mauldwin
"Mike, I am very grateful for your NLP coaching. A few hours after our session I had a listing presentation and I feel I won it using the skills you taught me. I walked in with the right mindset. I used the words and questions you suggested that had the client smiling and engaged. I remembered to use your body motion tips and I could see instant positive reactions from the client. Even though I’ve already had over 150 listing presentations throughout my career, I felt more prepared, relaxed and confident. The new presentation skills and terms will definitely be of good use from now on in multiple occasions. I am looking forward and excited to continued learning and again, thank you for all you do."
-Lynne Tran
-Lynne Tran
“I have attended Mikes workshops on NLP, Building Rapport, and Effective Communication. After 10 years and 3 careers I can honestly say the knowledge Mike has shared is still with me and has helped me in all aspects of my life. You can't put a price on that.” -Patricia Herrer
Mike Aguilera is a constant guest in the media